Most Popular Publications and Tools
Most Popular Publications and Tools
Facility Savings Support: Measurement and Verification

Energy Management
Popular Tools
Empower Procurement Specialized Acquisition Language Library
This library contains sample language to aid purchasing officers and others involved in the acquisition of energy-consuming products.…;
Data Center Energy Efficiency Toolkit
This toolkit provides guidance and a logical sequence for users to employ the CoE Tools in order to achieve energy efficiency in their data centers.
Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) Tools
The Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) and the PUE Estimator are “early stage” scoping tools designed for data center owners and operators to diagnose how energy use is distributed in their data center and determine ways to save energy and money. Both DC Pro and the PUE Estimator estimate Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), the industry standard for understanding and improving the energy efficiency of data center infrastructure systems. Results from the tools can be exported as stand-alone reports or included in other reporting material.
Air Management Tools
The Air Management Tool was developed to accelerate energy savings in data centers without affecting the thermal IT equipment environment by assessing the data center air-management status.
Data Center Electrical Power Chain Tool
This Excel-based tool helps data center owners identify energy efficiency opportunities in the electrical power chain of a data center (transformers, generators, UPSs, power distribution units), plus lighting. The tool quantifies the energy and cost savings of the selected measures and calculates the payback periods for each measure. This new version, released in March 2020, offers a cleaner interface, a wider array of UPS load factors and control options (includes "ecomode"), and updated efficiency curves.
IT Equipment Energy Assessment Tool
The Department of Energy's (DOE) Microsoft Excel based IT equipment energy assessment tool was developed to help accelerate the energy savings in data centers by identifying opportunities through IT equipment upgrades.
FEMP Covered Products Categories
Federal agencies are required to purchase energy-efficient products. To help buyers meet these requirements, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) maintains acquisition guidance for energy-efficient covered product categories, which are specified under various efficiency programs.