X Author: Christopher T Payne
Wang, Liyang, Molly Morabito, Christopher T Payne, and Gerald Robinson."Identifying institutional barriers and policy implications for sustainable energy technology adoption among large organizations in California."Energy Policy
146 (2020) 111768. DOI
Morabito, Molly, Liyang Wang, Christopher T Payne, and Luis L Fernandes."National Mandates Won’t Save Us!: How to Design Energy Efficiency Policies that Address Institutional Barriers to Change."ACEEE Summer Study
(2020). DOI
Siap, David, Christopher T Payne, and Alex Lekov."The United States Federal Energy Management Program lighting energy efficiency 2017 update and impacts."Applied Energy
233-234 (2018) 99 - 104. DOI
Wang, Liyang, and Christopher T Payne."Changing Institutional Procurement Behavior to Achieve Energy Savings."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Bunch, Saralyn, and Christopher T Payne."Contracting for Efficiency. A Best Practices Guide for Energy -Efficient Product Procurement."
(2016). DOI
Payne, Christopher T, H.Y Iris Cheung, and Emily Fisher."Evolution of Energy Efficiency Programs Over Time: The Case of Standby Power."2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Payne, Christopher T, Andrew R Weber, and Abby Semple."Energy-efficient Public Procurement Best Practice in Program Delivery SEAD Initiative Procurement Working Group."
Malone, Elizabeth L, Richard C Diamond, Amy K Wolfe, Tom Sanquist, Christopher T Payne, and Jerry Dion."Sustainable Behavior."Sustain: "Implementing Sustainability: The Behavioral-Institutional Dimension"
Spring/Summer 2013.28 (2013) 28-32.
Weber, Andrew R, and Christopher T Payne."Linking Resources and Structures: Increasing the Effectiveness of Energy Efficient Government Procurement Programs."
Payne, Christopher T."The Role of Business Systems in Achieving Market Transformation."Procurement, Innovation and Green Growth: The story continues...
Payne, Christopher T, and Andrew R Weber."Public Sector Procurement: Issues in Program Development & Delivery."
Malone, Elizabeth L, Tom Sanquist, Amy K Wolfe, Richard C Diamond, Christopher T Payne, and Jerry Dion."Evidence-Based Background Material Underlying Guidance for Federal Agencies in Implementing Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans Implementing Sustainability: The Institutional-Behavioral Dimension."
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Carl Blumstein, Chris Calwell, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Paul Siderius."Towards a Policy of Progressive Efficiency."People-Centered Initiatives for Increasing Energy Saving
Coleman, Philip, Christopher T Payne, and Richard G White."A Plea for Simpler Electricity Tariffs."2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
7 (2008) 60-69.
Iyer, Maithili, Willett Kempton, and Christopher T Payne."Comparison groups on bills: Automated, personalized energy information."Energy and Buildings
38.8 (2006) 988-996. DOI
Payne, Christopher T."The Commercial Energy Consumer: About Whom Are We Speaking?."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Carl Blumstein."Don't Supersize Me! Toward a Policy of Consumption-Based Energy Efficiency."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2006) 7-100-7-114.
Payne, Christopher T, and Beverly Dyer."Federal Participation in LEED in 2005."Greenbuild Expo 2005
Payne, Christopher T, and Alan K Meier."Many small consumers, one growing problem: Achieving energy savings for electronic equipment operating in low power modes."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Payne, Christopher T, Anthony Radspieler Jr, and Jack Payne."Hurdling barriers through market uncertainty: Case studies in innovative technology adoption."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Janda, Kathryn B, Christopher T Payne, Rick Kunkle, and Loren Lutzenhiser."What organizations did (and didn't) do: Three factors that shaped conservation responses to California's 2001 "crisis"."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Lutzenhiser, Loren, Kathryn B Janda, Rick Kunkle, and Christopher T Payne."Understanding the response of commercial and institutional organizations to the California energy crisis."